by Badiuzzaman Bay
I love you. I think I like you.
I hate you. I hate you, so.
I am a truth teller. Hate to be lied to.
Not that I don’t lie. I do, I mean, only when necessary.
I love my country, who doesn’t?
Aren’t my FB posts and tweets proof enough?
I am pro-poor; would do anything for them.
They stink sometimes.
I believe in freedom of choice.
Must you talk to that girl in between classes?
I believe in the rights to freedom of expression.
How dare Bergman question the proceedings of ICT?
I believe in human dignity and honour.
Oh boy, she’s all cleavage in that low-cut top!
Real development lies in governance decentralised;
Personally, I’d be better off posted in the capital.
I hate corruption – weakens the system from within.
That ‘gift’ you talked about? It wouldn’t be such a bad idea.
Democracy is the best thing that ever happened to humanity.
But Hamas? Brotherhood? You must all be crazy!
“The thing is, words make us. They break us, too. There is also the challenge of aligning what we do with what we say and what we say we believe in. So what defines us? Our words? Our actions? I think we are best defined in self-contradiction. And we contradict ourselves a lot, every day.”
Photograph: Bangladesh War Crimes Blogspot