ঘর স্ত্রী’র চোখে জল রেখেই পরস্ত্রী’র দুঃখ নিয়ে কবিতা লিখছেন যেই কবি, তার জল ছলছল চোখ দুটো’র মতোই দিনকে দিন সংবেদনশীল ভাঁড় হ’য়ে উঠছেন একটি রাষ্ট্র। অনুগ্রহ পূর্বক নাম জানতে চাইবেন না; বাবার খেয়ে মা’র নামে নিন্দা রটানোর দলভুক্ত আমি নই। আশা করি আপনারাও তা নন এবং আশা করি উৎকৃষ্ট ঘাসে শ্বাস ডুবিয়ে চললেও, মস্তিষ্কহীন …
PhD-r Galpo: An impeccable reminiscence of personal life
Phd-r Galpo is a latest autobiography book written by Dr. Md. Nazrul Islam, popularly known as Asif Nazrul. Dr. Nazrul is a famous academician, renowned for his bold critique of Bangladeshi politics. Asif Nazrul wrote more than ten novels and non-fiction books: among them Nishiddha Kayekjan (Forbidden Few), Udhao (Lost), Asamptir Galpa (Tale of Incompletion), Bekar Diner Prem (Love …
more “PhD-r Galpo: An impeccable reminiscence of personal life”
Scarlet Memories
The very first time blood rushed down my thighs Was not because my insides were put to work In preparation of a home for a future child The first time was when all was lost My growing brain still learning the ABCs No one had taught me what “rape” means The first time he found …
After the Sea
What could be written today? But what’s on the page? About the pulses? Winds tonight are motionless Burial of the torn was done Is it because of the cold? Rain of the that night When the war torch came Back to home with the fall Of the empire and bricks? Runaway fragrance in the light …