Every day resembles a replicated yesterday An incomplete infinity salutes the dusk At times, I uncork the earth’s lid and my head suspends below I sneak glances around, and Glides in, flightless, a verdant river. It barrels into the sea. Gasping for breath, it asks me— What do you want? With a mouth full of …
The Remnants of Affection
All glory rides to its conclusion… In the smoldering heart, flailing in solitude, Resides the remnants of affection, Merely this – Staying alive, somehow, in salutation The Earth. The peace after the extinction of absurdity Merely this – No hatred, no regret. Whatever the disorders of modern life, To live is to be ensnared in …
Twin Lovers
The woman’s eyes pair off As the twin brows had done To the left a man, and the right another Mirrored as men, but to whom the lover? The woman was young, beloved. Even still? Or have the curtains come down? Who is to answer? The man or the lover? For the woman, there was …
প্রতিদিন ভোর বেলা; ঘুমন্ত মুখের পাশে শুয়ে থাকে সেলাই করে রাখা সর্বনাশ এতো আঁধার, এতো কালো , এতো ছাই ভস্ম জমেছে পৃথিবীতে পূর্বপুরুষের চাপ চাপ রক্তপাতের মুগ্ধতা নিয়ে বেড়ে উঠছে শিশু , শতশতাব্দীর মাধুর্য্য চাপা পড়ে আছে একুশ শতকের বিশেষণহীন হাহাকারের নিচে । সিঁড়ি ভেঙ্গে ভেঙ্গে উঠে যাচ্ছে সময়, শুষে খাচ্ছে আয়ু আমি দেখে যাচ্ছি …
In a trickle, In a heartbeat. As fickle, As you make it. Pulverized visitants, Where’s your call for arms? Saved the spear, Fighting ghosts of bygone charms. Assassins craving comfort, Like throwing rocks at a river. The water doesn’t get hurt, And you can’t tell one feeling from the next, ever. The time has come, …