Advertisements can have negative impact on people

Generally, people or companies use to advertise their products to make them known and popular to all. The ways of advertisements are newspapers, bill boards, radio and of course television. In these advertisements, the products or services are described in the form of short stories of achievements. It is true that the advertises always show the positive effects of using the products or taking services but these may leave some negative effects in the minds of the viewers. In this article, the negative impact of advertisements will be discussed.
First of all, I want to discuss about the ways of advertising about fairness creams and soaps. In most of the advertisements, it is shown that white skin is the basis of all achievements. People get selected for jobs, show the hidden talents and get awards only for the fair skin but it does not happen in reality. However, these build an image in the minds of the viewers that only people with white/fair skin can get advantages and opportunities in the world and people who got dark skin are not accepted to enjoy any kind of opportunity. Dark people may feel down about themselves after watching these. We cannot find any jobs and competitions in the societies where white skin is included in the requirements. Moreover, people who are famous in the history are famous only for their special talents. If we read history, we can find that nothing is mentioned about the skin color of those people. The companies advertise like this to make their products attractive to people and leave a negative thinking at the same time. It can be considered as misleading about society.
The mobile phone companies in Bangladesh affect the mind of poor people in various ways. Most of the advertisements show that village people are communicating through cell phones and use internet to get cooking recipes and other information. In reality, the condition of villages in Bangladesh is not like that. By watching the advertisements, poor people get desire in the mind of having similar live styles but are unable to get that. I had a maid servant at my home who was very much fond of using cell phone but her father had no capacity to buy a cell phone for her. The source of her getting this desire is nothing but the advertisements. Moreover, some has mobile phone but cannot use internet and even cannot save contact numbers for lack of education. These increase poor people’s sorrows and hopelessness.
Another thing I saw in an advertisement of instant noodles is that a housewife in a village is cooking noodles on the stove of clay but I did not find any such family in village that has capacity to buy and eat noodles. Like the mobile phone companies, it makes people more hopeless. It is also effective in creating inferior complexity.
The above mentioned scenarios crystallize the negative roles of advertisements. Products and services should be advertised in such ways that these do not give false concepts about the society. It should be kept in mind. Generally, people or companies use to advertise their products to make them known and popular to all. The ways of advertisements are newspapers, bill boards, radio and of course television. In these advertisements, the products or services are described in the form of short stories of achievements. It is true that the advertises always show the positive effects of using the products or taking services but these may leave some negative effects in the minds of the viewers. In this article, the negative impact of advertisements will be discussed.
First of all, I want to discuss about the ways of advertising about fairness creams and soaps. In most of the advertisements, it is shown that white skin is the basis of all achievements. People get selected for jobs, show the hidden talents and get awards only for the fair skin but it does not happen in reality. However, these build an image in the minds of the viewers that only people with white/fair skin can get advantages and opportunities in the world and people who got dark skin are not accepted to enjoy any kind of opportunity. Dark people may feel down about themselves after watching these. We cannot find any jobs and competitions in the societies where white skin is included in the requirements. Moreover, people who are famous in the history are famous only for their special talents. If we read history, we can find that nothing is mentioned about the skin color of those people. The companies advertise like this to make their products attractive to people and leave a negative thinking at the same time. It can be considered as misleading about society.
The mobile phone companies in Bangladesh affect the mind of poor people in various ways. Most of the advertisements show that village people are communicating through cell phones and use internet to get cooking recipes and other information. In reality, the condition of villages in Bangladesh is not like that. By watching the advertisements, poor people get desire in the mind of having similar live styles but are unable to get that. I had a maid servant at my home who was very much fond of using cell phone but her father had no capacity to buy a cell phone for her. The source of her getting this desire is nothing but the advertisements. Moreover, some has mobile phone but cannot use internet and even cannot save contact numbers for lack of education. These increase poor people’s sorrows and hopelessness.
Another thing I saw in an advertisement of instant noodles is that a housewife in a village is cooking noodles on the stove of clay but I did not find any such family in village that has capacity to buy and eat noodles. Like the mobile phone companies, it makes people more hopeless. It is also effective in creating inferior complexity.
The above mentioned scenarios crystallize the negative roles of advertisements. Products and services should be advertised in such ways that these do not give false concepts about the society. It should be kept in mind.


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